
— постов 11. 4546 место в топе
Journeys to Russia are long and boring, particularly if you can't sleep on planes like me. From Washington, DC the nonstop flight is over ten hours, and with a connection the flight time is much longer. During the last trip on Aeroflot, I was completely amused by the Russian TV show ...
14-05-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
It seems people, and even corporations, sometimes feed into and perpetrate stereotypes about their own country. Last week, this cute little invitation from a prestigious Russian law firm arrived at my desk. It's an offer to attend their fancy reception at the annual gathering for ...
22-04-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
In the middle of the night, after editing photos from Suzdal, I was plagued by the question - "why should an American tourist visit Russia?" What is unique or especially attractive about the country that justifies sitting on a plane for 10 - 13 hours to reach the other side of the ...
21-04-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
Life is what we make it. Just a few weeks ago, I was amazed by the comments in this post about a Finnish village. The blogger asked a simple question - why can't Russian villages look the same, clean with well-kept houses and yards? Almost 1,000 comments to the post, and many ...
08-04-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
To be alone is absolutely ordinary for me, but the familiar feelings of solitude and isolation take on an entirely different meaning in the Russian forest. During the recent journey, I visited the village of Astashova in the Chukhlomsky District of the Kostroma region. About the ...
24-03-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
Many people often ask me "why Russia?" I can afford to travel to much nicer places and stay in more upscale accommodations, but to me there's no adventure in this. Complete boredom. With Russia, there's always something interesting! A complex puzzle to solve, new experiences each ...
The long road trip in Russia is now over. I just returned to Moscow this afternoon from Yaroslavl, where I finally met a Russian boyfriend, who spoke almost no English! :)) He came to our table, sat down, started petting my hair, blowing me kisses and trying to have a lot of ...
04-03-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
I'll never know or experience life during Soviet times, but during some of my visits to Russia I feel like I'm transported back to that era, or even another century. The road trip is coming to an end, with the final stop today in Yaroslavl. Along the way, I explored many small towns ...
02-03-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
We all love compliments! But I've noticed something unique about the Russian blogosphere, where compliments aren't always what they seem. If you look at the TOP on a daily basis, you'll see a lot of posts full of trash, bloggers criticizing other women's appearance, lifestyle ...
08-02-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22
How can I ever leave the Russian blogosphere when I receive amusing and thought provoking comments like this! :) "Странная женщина. 42 почти года, мужа нет. Работы, видимо, толковой тоже, иначе не каталась бы по самым дешевым билетам в Москву. Детей нет. Чего в жизни добилась-то? Русский ...
24-01-2015топ 100 блогов peacetraveler22